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Workshop Colegio Trigales

At the “Trigales del Maipo” school, teachers used fun and educational methods to enhance students’ reading comprehension.

Project Detail

In the learning experience developed at the “Trigales del Maipo” school, the participating teachers integrated playful and didactic strategies in order to foster reading comprehension in their students. Through a methodology supported by evidence and focused on active learning, participants explored comprehension models and strategies to effectively address reading in different genres and disciplines in the classroom.

During the training at the school, fundamental topics were explored to enhance reading comprehension. Among the highlights were the key factors that drive the development of this skill, the importance of understanding different discursive genres, an exhaustive review of the types of reading and their contextual relevance, as well as strategies focused on comprehending both monomodal and multimodal texts.

This experience provided a comprehensive and practical vision to improve reading comprehension skills in the educational environment. The workshop conducted included personalized workshops with teachers, in which our team met with them to plan concrete intervention strategies for their courses.